Released back in 2005 at the height of prequel mania, Republic Commando was essentially Doom with a Clone Wars wardrobe. I had a laugh earlier in the week with a very debateable top ten list of the best Star Wars games (Surprise! Garth Sirius isn’t real!), but if I was being dead serious I’d chuck Star Wars: Republic Commando into that listicle without losing sleep. Where the fuck is my Republic Commando remake? With all of that progress, those assets and that experience, I’ve just got one question for EA. The monetisation doesn’t feel like a taxman squeezing blood from a stone, the modes on offer are brilliant and DICE’s visual work is obscenely good.

The straw that broke the loot box camel’s back, Battlefront II is currently ending its lifespan in a far better state than what it started.